Science Quest

Science Quest!

On this page, you will find the different tasks you can complete to earn Experience Points (XP).
You will also be able to keep track of your own points on the leader board and see who is in the lead.
In order to earn the points after completing any task, you MUST submit an XP form. 

Remember before doing any task, if you are unsure if it will count for points, ask Mrs.Hanson first!
(DISCAIMER: With this still in "Beta" values are susceptible to change, activities are susceptible to change, ANY rule is susceptible to change.)

XP Tasks

XP Leader Board

XP Form

Level Up

1100 pts----------------------------- Candy Basket (small candies) or 5 EC
2200 pts---------------------------- 2200 Basket (whole candy bars, soda, pens, pencils) or Donut
3300 pts--------------------------- Homework or Quiz Pass
4400 pts----------------------------- Sonic Drink
5500 pts----------------------------- 2200 Basket + 10 EC
6600 pts----------------------------- 6600 Basket (gift cards, lunch out)